We will we will rock you"
We will rock you - Queen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJYN-eG1zk&sns=em
"what a noisy silly song" I thought when I heard it but the stomping beat was mesmerising. I didn't bother with the lyrics but this recurring phrase stuck in my head. Some days ago I was trying to explain to a young friend about the estrogen- hungry cancer that the doctors found in me. I suggested she imagine the cancer cells gobbling estrogen hormones then linking arms and advancing menacingly towards the innocent cells chanting " We will, we will ROCK YOU"
If not for the early detection and treatment they may well have rocked a lot more innocent cells. But God led me to have a mammogram and as I said in earlier posts I believe my God is in control and the battle belongs to Him. I am in the delightfully glorious position of standing with my good cells, arms linked and chanting ,on my part, another song from Queen
We are the Champions, my Friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the Champions
We are the Champions
No time for losers
'Cos we are the champions, of the World.
We are the Champions - Queen- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY&sns=em
It's not plain sailing. We have to fight. Till the end. We have to fight intimidation, doubt, despair, anger, self-pity, guilt and condemnation. We have to fight physically, emotionally, mentally an enemy that has no mercy and gives no quarter. We have to decide to be strong and courageous and meditate on His law day and night. But we fight knowing our God does not sleep nor slumber. That He promised He will never leave or forsake us. That by the stripes of Jesus we ARE healed. That's a promise made by a God who is not a man that He should lie.
I write as a Christian ( one who believes in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and am so blessed that through this journey the joy of the Lord, that itself a gift from God, has been my strength. Since I learned of my diagnosis I declared several times a day
1 I am fearfully and wonderfully made
2 My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
3 By the stripes of the Lord Jesus I AM healed.
Then I thanked the Lord for blessings as mundane as having running water and toilets that flush☺️ To my family and friends and for His mercy.
Today is Chemo Round 3 Day 2. I feel as I did before the chemotherapy began. That's my God's mercy- totally undeserved and not "worked for" by me. It's the grace of an infinite ever living, ever loving God.
This works for me and can for you. And if anyone reading this has questions I'll answer them the best I can.
God is my Healer. All glory to God.
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