Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Zing Boom Tarrarel

"Roll out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun
Roll out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run
Zing  boom tarrarel ring out a song of good cheer
Now it's time to roll the barrel, for the gang's all here"

Beer Barrel Polka - Andrew Sisters

I don't drink beer but singing this chorus at the top of one's voice  is one of the best ways of getting rid of the blues, the niggly doubts, the festering worries, the feeling that you're being overwhelmed.

ZING BOOM TERRAREL- Wikipaedia explains this phrase was a source of pride, a way of celebrating something. I love the sound of it- means nothing and everything at the same time.

The Beer Barrel Polka was written in 1927 and a no 1 in The Hit Parade in June 1939. It is said that this song was sung by soldiers, regardless of their allegiances, such, I believe, being the " kicka_ _" power of this song, defiant in the face of odds.

Everyone I've shared news of my treatment with recognises that God, in His mercy, has given me the gift of joy. I am happy, quietly happy, despite the wonky taste buds, the sporadically reduced energy levels, the curtailed activities. I am blessed with loving support of family and friends and the certainty that my Father in Heaven is God Almighty and He is totally in control.

That does not stop the devil from trying ( I'll hand that to him- never seems to give up) to steal my peace. It's songs like these, learnt probably before I learnt to talk, that help me laugh in the face of doubt ( easy when my Daddy's bigger than its daddy) And I'm beginning to think that my generally easy-going nature hides a defiant "up yours" attitude

ZING BOOM TERRAREL - try that when you feel that life has backed you into a corner. I celebrate the fact I'm alive! I am alive! No matter what happens my God promised all things work to the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose.

I don't know the words of the whole song. I can hum it and it warms my heart. My father used to sing this chorus all the time and I learnt it by heart ( or osmosis). Till today it makes my feet tap and my spirit rise cos I've got the blues on the run😉

Now it's time on roll the barrel  Cos the GANG's ALL HERE!

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