Friday, 22 September 2017

Just Do It My Way

It was 6am on Sunday 10 Sep 2017. It was the morning of the 3rd day in hospital. I was waiting to be discharged and had just taken out tufts of hair in the shower which now lay in a heap on the floor of the bathroom. There was enough to make a fur coat for a hedgehog! I had been warned that my hair WOULD fall but the sight of handfuls gleefully taking their leave was a little startling. It was confirmation that, having started down this road of chemo, there would be things that would be totally beyond my control. I texted Richard to say " I thought I was ready for hair loss ( ya, in my head at any rate) but looking at my hair on the floor made me cry. Imagine if I wasn't prepared. " Richard's reply at 5:30am- "it's only hair- it'll grow back. I love you"

That dried my tears. And put everything in perspective. "It's only hair-it'll grow back". I stopped thinking about my hair and started thinking about my tummy. I was hungry and there was to be a two hour wait for breakfast. So I decided to write an Ode to my Hair. Did it in 10 minutes and had another 1 hour 50 mins to wait. Ah well.... At least I still felt hunger. And that is a privilege and a blessing when you don't have to worry where your next meal is coming from.

Ode to my hair ( My Way)

O Hair, did you hear that?
The final call for your departure
Don't stay for you must go
The only way, there is no other

And though I'm sad you leave
I'm also pleased you will be back soon
So go, I give you leave
I'll do it my way

Yes there were times I know you felt
That I pulled off more than I thought I held
And through it all when there was doubt
I held on tight and pulled you out
You have to go, O don't say no
Just do it my way

The razor purrs, it's neat and clean
The rest of you just fall out softly
I'll wait and soon I'll see
A new spring birth, of that I'm certain

To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
Oh no, oh no not me
I did it my way

Original song My Way - Frank Sinatra

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