Friday, 25 August 2017

The Enemy Within

I've been saying to several friends that I feel so good I have to consciously remind myself that there may possibly be " an enemy within"

It's ironic, I think, that the type of cancer I have feeds off estrogen, the hormone that makes a woman of me.  I've said before that I enjoy being a woman. I've never minded having menstruation except when it meant sitting out swimming lessons. I've been blessed with not having to suffer cramps or bloating. So now that I have menopaused it seems my body decided to plan a coup. Rogue cells seek out and apparently devour with consummate glee the estrogen hormones that are just doing their bounden duty.

What is it that has caused part of me to rebel against the rest of me? I am attacked not by some random airborne virus, nor by bacteria introduced by neglect of an open wound however innocuous nor yet by the failure of an organ through unwise dietary habits. I am attacked by ME!! The very essence of what makes me Me!

That is most annoying. I have been blessed with good health and have taken the trouble to (mostly) eat wisely and with restraint and to exercise ( not as much as I would have liked, it's true but I'm not a couch potato). To find that the devil has to resort to inciting rebellion is both exasperating and yet amusing.

I've said before that I think cancer is like a terrorist and that's a good description. They used to be called "guerrillas" or "insurgents" or just plain "rebels" but those terms referred to people who fought for (their idea of) freedom or a better, more just society. They had a cause and undeclared terms of engagement. They appeared ruthless then but a certain code of honour however rough was evident.

Terrorists don't have a code of honour. Everyone and everything is fair game. Purpose? To bring life as we know it to a standstill. To use fear and intimidation to cause a change of lifestyle. To cause confusion and distraction so that goals and targets are missed and eventually lives destroyed not just through the destruction of the body but of hope and joy and peace.

Well I've got news for you cancer... It ain't gonna work on me!
( why does that John Wayne type of response sound more effective than a cool James Bond eyebrow twitch?) maybe cos it can be uttered with a swagger and that's how I feel right now... Like swaggering .

Let me be clear on this. I do not fear cancer nor do I fear the devil but I do respect their craftiness cos they've been around a lot longer than I have. So having fastened ( properly, I hope) the full Armour of God I go into battle fully expecting victory because the battle belongs to the Lord. I have to be wise and stay out of the crossfire.

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