Friday, 30 June 2017

How do I tell them?

richard n I talked about the diagnosis first. We digested the news and prayed . I decided to tell the children by using WhatsApp so they'd all hear about it at the same time. I thought about what to say and it flowed. I wanted the family to know that I believe totally in the God I worship... He is sovereign

My message to the family

1. Both the biopsies indicate presence of cancerous cells

2. It appears to be in the early stages

3. The treatment suggested is complete masectomy because of the sites of the 2 lumps being deep in the breast rather than near the surface

- the location of the lumps makes it difficult for breast conservation
- it is considered as multicentric i.e. More than one lump of the same cancer

4. At this point there is no indication that cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the right armpit nor to anywhere else in the right breast

5. At this point there is no indication that there is any thing to be concerned about in left breast.

6. If masectomy is done there are 3 choices:

a. Leave the site flat
b. Reconstruct immediately
c. Reconstruct at a later date

7. If reconstruction is chosen this can be
a. Artificial ie with implant
b using my own skin n tissue

8. Both these have their own challenges

My response
A. God is in control. That doesnt mean I am in denial nor that I have presumptive faith. It means I will not walk in fear.

B. I will begin sunchorella tmr fully aware it's not a miracle supplement😊 will add some other supplements and tweak my diet. That and prayers are my part

C. I am not panicked nor fearful as i truly believe God is in control. It may be harder for you all but take the cue from me. I will let you know should i be afraid any time in the future🙂

D. Please tell your respective partners n I ask your prayers BUT do not tell anyone else for the time being. I want time with papa n you all.

E. I understand that if i dont want reconstruction, the surgery/recovery will take a day,possibly overnight stay. If i do decide on reconstruction it will be more like 10 day recovery. Papa has left that decision to me and, right now, I'm not really interested in reconstruction.

F. I feel and I am exactly the same- more thankful to God for prompting me to get the screening, which i hadnt done in years, so this could be stopped early.

G. Cancer is a terrorist attack- meant to intimidate us into changing lifestyle in fear. I dont intend to be intimidated. There may be some lifestyle ( read: diet n exercise) changes but nothing else. Penang is a go!!!!

Love you all so much n once again God is in control

God Bless you alL

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